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on disappointment - Is this the worst product EVER?!

Sunday, 15 March 2015

So we all know that feeling. We spend £10 on something and it doesn't quite do exactly what we expected and we feel a bit annoyed we spent £10 on it but give it a good use and are secretly happy when it runs out, right? There's 'wasting money' which is when we buy all the naked palettes at once because we have to have them even though they might not really suit our skin tone *ahem* and then there's actually wasting money. Where we'd have been no better off just shredding a £10 note.

For the first time EVER I have spent money on something that is frankly unusable. Welcome to my diary of disappointment Nip + Fab Bee Sting Eye Fix.

The first dissapointment was the amount of product in the pot. You buy a pot of something and expect it to be at least 3/4 full if not full to the brim. This is how much product you get. 
I would say it is about 1/8 the size of the pot. It's pretty deceptive! Give me a tiny pot and at least I'll know how much to expect but this is ridiculous!
Have I just got a duff one?!

Second disappointment is that this 1/8 of product is super dry. You can see where I've stuck my finger in it and only been able to make a finger mark, not get any out.
You can get... Flakes out. If you stick your nails into it. Which is a bit disgusting. 
And even when you HAVE got some flakes out when you try and rub it onto your under eye or between your fingers it stays as flakes!!!! What is the point?!

I don't even think I can put into words how alarmed I am at the uselessness of this product!
Is it supposed to be in tiny amounts and completely unusable?!
Am I doing something wrong?!

No link to where you can get this from because I don't want to be responsible for genuinely wasting your money.

Stay away!!!
Beccy x

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