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on the future

Thursday, 5 March 2015

On Monday my housemate Mark and I were discussing job applications and the dreaded question of 'what achievements do you have outside of medicine?' The short (and, if we're honest, long) answer to this in my case is nothing. Nada. Naff all.

"There must be something you've always wanted to do, why don't you start doing that?"

I think, sadly, my lack of ability when it comes to singing/dancing/general coordination is going to prevent me from the ultimate dream of becoming a West End superstar and playing Elpheba in Wicked.

The only thing I am good at is talking. In fact, so much so that it was the only thing commented on by all teachers every single parents evening - 'always talking', 'talks too much', 'distracts others with constant chatting'. I'm not sure they were trying to flatter or inspire with these comments but nonetheless I AM INSPIRED.

So here we are. helloBECCY is born. An outlet for all my 'constant chatting' and a further excuse (if needed) to spend my entire wages on the latest offerings from MAC, NARS and YSL.

If you are reading this then I most warmly welcome you to my little patch of the internet. I hope you are having a really flipping awesome day and if you're not - maybe I can cheer you up.

Love and squishy hugs,
Beccy x

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